
GVEA Board Approved $7.1 Million in Capital Credit Refunds

At the September 2023 regular Board meeting, 决定从1998年(及更早)起取消所有资本信贷。, 总共7美元.100万年. All refunds will be distributed by the end of January 2024.

We’ve been getting power from G.V.E.A. since 1983 and receiving capital credits for the past 13 years. 这在抵消我们每年的电费方面真的很有帮助,我们很感激在每月电费较高的冬季获得积分. We are proud members of the G.V.E.A. 鸡笼!” -Jane Gibson, GVEA member for 38 years.

How Will the Capital Credit Refunds be Rolled Out?

  • Checks will be issued to members whose refunds are $100 or greater
  • Checks will be issued by the end of January
  • 退款少于100美元的活跃会员将在其11月的账单对账单上显示信用调整
  • 对账单上的行描述将显示退款与哪一年相关, along with an associated account/service location tracking number
  • 如果前会员的余额超过25美元或低于25美元的余额已持有5年,将向其发放支票
  • It’s very important that GVEA has a current mailing address on file, so the capital credit refunds can reach you

If you have available capital credits, please fill out and submit our 资本信用 Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any other capital credit questions, you can call (907) 451-5625 或免费电话 (800) 770-4832, or email GVEA 资本信用.

资本信用 Frequently Asked Questions

What are capital credits?

因为GVEA是一个合作社,由其成员所有,严格来说它并不盈利. Instead, if revenues exceed the cost of doing business (i.e. expenses), the co-op has earned “margins.” Each year that margins are earned, GVEA members are allocated a portion of the margins, 这些费用与每位会员当年购买的电量成比例. These portions are called capital credits.

My neighbor received a capital credit refund, but I didn’t. 为什么?

The 2 most common reasons are:

  • The account was only in a roommate’s or a former spouse’s name; refunds are issued to the individual whose name(s) is on the account for that particular year’s refund.
  • You lived in the core of downtown Fairbanks, which was still served by the City of Fairbanks until 1997


What is a capital credits allocation good for?

Think of the capital credits allocation like a savings bond. Similar to how a savings bond is a loan to the U.S. Department of Treasury to help reduce our government’s borrowing needs, GVEA资本信贷有助于减少我们合作社在建设变电站或更换电线杆或线路等项目上的借款需求. And just like how a savings bond matures after a period of time, 资本抵免将在25年后退休并退还给您.

What is the difference between allocated and retired capital credits?

分配的资本贷记额是分配给在赚取利润的一年内收取GPK电子费用的每个成员的金额. While the credits are assigned to members, 这些钱由合作社保留一段时间——25年——并作为资本使用, which reduces GVEA’s need to borrow money. Allocated capital credits reflect your ownership in GVEA. 当资本抵免最终取消时,GVEA将发放退款.

How will I know how much my capital credit refund will be?

In a year when GVEA earns margins, 分配给你的资本信用额度是基于你在那一年的电费账单总额. 你购买的电力越多,你的资本信用分配就越大. 你一年内每月账单的总和乘以一个百分比,以确定你的资本信贷分配. 这一比例每年都在变化,取决于某一年的利润率. GVEA每年向我们的会员发出分配信,通知他们上一年的利润份额.

Are capital credits taxable?

对于住宅用电账户,资本抵免一般不征税. For businesses (which includes rentals), according to Internal Revenue Service guidelines, 收到超过600美元资本信贷支票的成员需要填写IRS W-9表格(PDF). 我们建议就具体问题向税务专业人士咨询.

What happens to the capital credits of a member who is deceased?

分配给已故成员的资金抵免退款可在一般退休后发出. 然而, these estate payments are not automatic. 遗产代表必须提供要求退款的人已获法院委任的证明, executor or administrator of the estate (e.g. 委任个人代表的信件、遗嘱或陈述书), along with a copy of the death certificate. A refund check will be issued to the estate. 退还的金额将减少,以反映资本抵免的提前退休.

How often will I receive a capital credit refund?

The refund or “retirement” of capital credits is not automatic. GVEA董事会必须在考虑对合作社的财务影响后,特别授权资本信贷的退休. Capital credits earned through 1992, 加上2016年的25%, are among the latest capital credits retired in December 2017. 退款金额在100美元或以下的活跃会员在他们的账单上获得了信用. 支票被邮寄给退款超过100美元的活跃和非活跃会员. For non-active members, 然而, checks are not issued for less than $25, 或者五年, whichever occurs first. 强烈建议非活跃会员在GVEA存档中保留当前的邮寄地址.